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Percentage amino acid identities for the complete capsid regions of astroviruses (N.J. Knowles, 29 March 2000)
  HAstV 1
HAstV 1
HAstV 2 HAstV 3 HAstV 4 HAstV 5
HAstV 5
HAstV 5
HAstV 6
HAstV 6
HAstV 8
FelAstV PastV TastV ANV-1
HAstV1 (A88/2) 100 96.9 68.7 76.3 62.5 70.3 70.2 69.6 70.7 72 68.8 64.2 45.3 19.8 19.9
HAstV1 (Oxford) 96.9 100 69.3 76 62.2 70.1 70 69.4 70.5 71.5 68.3 63.8 44.9 19.8 19.9
HAstV2 (Oxford) 68.7 69.3 100 72.1 64.1 66.5 66.4 65.9 67.1 67.4 68.2 60.3 46 19.6 19
HAstV3 (Monroe) 76.3 76 72.1 100 63.4 71.7 71.4 70.9 72.8 73.2 70.4 63.6 46.7 19.9 20.5
HAstV4 (Oxford) 62.5 62.2 64.1 63.4 100 63 63.1 62.7 64.4 64.3 68.2 57.2 40 19.2 18.3
HAstV5 (CHN146) 70.3 70.1 66.5 71.7 63 100 99.4 96 74.9 76.1 71.8 63.7 45.4 19.9 19.6
HAstV5 (CHN198) 70.2 70 66.4 71.4 63.1 99.4 100 96.4 74.9 76.1 71.9 63.6 45.2 19.8 19.6
HAstV5 (Oxford) 69.6 69.4 65.9 70.9 62.7 96 96.4 100 74.9 76.1 71.2 63.2 45 19.6 19.7
HAstV6 (Carter) 70.7 70.5 67.1 72.8 64.4 74.9 74.9 74.9 100 95.4 71.1 61.6 44.3 20.8 19.7
HAstV6 (Oishi) 72 71.5 67.4 73.2 64.3 76.1 76.1 76.1 95.4 100 71.5 62.6 43.7 21.1 19.9
HAstV8 (Carter) 68.8 68.3 68.2 70.4 68.2 71.8 71.9 71.2 71.1 71.5 100 58.7 42.7 19.7 19.2
FelAstV (Bristol) 64.2 63.8 60.3 63.6 57.2 63.7 63.6 63.2 61.6 62.6 58.7 100 49.7 20.8 18.9
PAstV (Tokushima8374) 45.3 44.9 46 46.7 40 45.4 45.2 45 44.3 43.7 42.7 49.7 100 20.4 19
TAstV 19.8 19.8 19.6 19.9 19.2 19.9 19.8 19.6 20.8 21.1 19.7 20.8 20.4 100 24.5
ANV-1 (G4260) 19.9 19.9 19 20.5 18.3 19.6 19.6 19.7 19.7 19.9 19.2 18.9 19 24.5 100

HastV1, human astrovirus 1 strain A88/2-Newcastle [Z25771], HAstV1, human astrovirus 1 strain Oxford [L23513], HAstV2, human astrovirus 2 strain Oxford [L06802], HAstV3, human astrovirus 3 (Monroe) [AF117209], HAstV4, human astrovirus 4 strain Oxford [Z33883], HAstV5, human astrovirus 5 strain Oxford [U15136], HAstV5, human astrovirus 5 CHN146 [AB037273], HAstV5, human astrovirus 5 CHN198 [AB037274], HAstV6, human astrovirus 6 (Carter) [Z46658], HAstV6, human astrovirus 6 (Oishi) [AB013618], HAstV8, human astrovirus 8 (Carter) [Z66541], FelAstV, feline astrovirus strain Bristol [AF056197], PastV, porcine astrovirus, strain Tokushima8374 [AB037272], TastV, turkey astrovirus [AF206663], ANV-1, avian nephritis virus 1, strain G4260 [AB033998]

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