Institute for Animal Health (IAH)
External Seminar Programme
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Institute for Animal Health

Compton Laboratory

Nr. Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 7NN. Tel: 01635 578411

Seminar Programme - 2001

January to July 2001

Date Speaker Affliliation Title Contact

10 January  2001 POSTPONED - UNTIL 7 MARCH

17 January  2001 Prof. Andrew Lever   Dept of Medicine, University of Cambridge   "How Retroviruses Package Their RNA Genomes." Mike Skinner

24 January  2001
Professor Chris Newbold  Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford "Immunity, Pathogenesis and the Infected Red Cell Surface in Malaria. Fiona Tomley

31 January  2001 Dr Gordon Langsley  Laboratoire de Signalisation Immunoparasitaire, Departement d'Immunologie, Institut Pasteur "Why Proliferation and Not Apoptosis Upon Theileria Infection of Bovine Leukocytes?" Pete Kaiser

7 February  2001 Prof. Sandy McLennan  University of Liverpool "Life in the Nudix Colony - a New Family of Nucleotide Hydrolases." Mike Skinner

14 February  2001 To be arranged Shirley Ellis

21 February  2001 Dr. Mike Tristem  Department of Biology, Imperial College, Silwood Park, Ascot "Endogenous Retroviruses: Evolution from Sharks to Man." John McCauley

28 February  2001 Mike Blackman  NIMR, Mill Hill "Red Cell Invasion by the Malaria Parasite: Subtilisins and Surface Proteins. Fiona Tomley

7 March  2001 Prof. Ron Hay   Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of St. Andrews   NFkB Activation in Health and Disease.”   John McCauley

14 March  2001 Dr. Christoph Tang  Department of Paediatrics, University of Oxford "Genetic Analysis of the Pathogenesis of Bacterial Meningitis." Mark Stevens

21 March 2001 POSTPONED UNTIL 27 June 2001

28 March  2001 Dr. Andrew Greenfield  MRC Mammalian Genetics Unit, Harwell "Analysis of Gene Expression During Mammalian Sexual Development Using DNA Microassays." Yvonne Boyd

4 April  2001 Prof. Luke O'Neill  University of Dublin, Trinity College   Contact:  "The Toll/IL-1 Receptor Superfamily: Key Switches for Host Defence and Inflammation." Trevor Collen

11 April 2001 Dr. Nelson Fernandez Department of Immunology, University of Essex "Associations and Mobility of Immunological Receptors: Study of HLA DR and the Macrophage-Specific Receptor CD14." Shirley Ellis

18 April 2001 Matthew Binns Animal Health Trust "Inherited Disease and Trait Mapping in Horses, Dogs and Cats." Shirley Ellis

25 April 2001 NO SEMINAR

2 May  2001 Prof. Richard ffrench-Constant  Department of Biology & Biochemistry, University of Bath "The Toxin Complex Genes of Photorhabdus: a Growing Family." Mark Stevens

9 MAY Dr. Ariel Blocker Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford "Structural and Functional Analysis of the Type III Secretion System of Shigella flexneri." Mark Stevens

16 May  2001
Prof. A.A. Nash  Department of Veterinary Pathology, University of Edinburgh "The Interplay Between Gamma-Herpesviruses and Their Host." Mike Skinner

23 May  2001 Nick Knowles IAH, Pirbright "Foot-and-Mouth Disease in the UK in 2001." John McCauley

30 May 2001 Dr. Keith Matthews University of Manchester "Passport Control, Boarding Passes, and In Flight Meals: the Regulation of Differentiation in African Trypanosomes." Fiona Tomley

6 June  2001 Dr. Neil A. Williams  Department of Pathology & Microbiology, University of Bristol "Induction/Activation of Regulatory T Cell Populations Using Bacterial Toxin Subunits." Pete Kaiser

13 June  2001
Prof. Graham Coombs Division of Infection & Immunity, University of Glasgow TITLE TO BE ANNOUNCED Fiona Tomley

20 June  2001 Prof. Colin Watts  Department of Biochemistry, University of Dundee "Antigen Processing in the Endocytic Compartment." Trevor Collen

27 June 2001 Prof. Mary Ritter Dept of Immunology, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith "The Role of the Thymus in T Cell Development: Analysis of the Thymic Microenvironment." Bryan Charleston

Monday, 16 July 2001 Dr. David Boyle CSIRO Livestock Industries, Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Geelong, Australia. "Poxviruses and Retroviruses: Natural and Unnatural Liaisons." Mike Skinner

September to December 2001

Date Speaker Affliliation Title Contact

19 September 2001 Dr. Neil A. Williams Department of Pathology & Microbiology, University of Bristol. "Induction/Activation of Regulatory T Cell Populations Using Bacterial Toxin Subunits." Pete Kaiser

TUESDAY, 25 September 2001 David Baulcombe Sainsbury Laboratory, John Innes Centre, Norwich.  "RNA Interference - a Defense System in Plants and Animals." John McCauley

3 October 2001 Prof. John Trowsdale Department of Pathology, Cambridge University. "Relationships Between MHC and NK Receptor Gene Complexes." Shirley Ellis

17 October 2001 Dr. Jay Hinton Division of Molecular Microbiology, Institute of Food Research, Norwich.

"Microarrays for Gene Expression Profiling and Genomotyping of E. coli and Salmonella; Myths and Realities.

Mark Stevens

THURSDAY, 25 October at 14:00 h Prof. John P. Gibson Program Co-ordinator, Livestock Genetics and Genomics, International Livestock Research Organisation, Nairobi, Kenya. "Mapping Genes for Trypanotolerance and Helminthosis Resistance in Cattle, Sheep and Mice." Ivan Morrison

FRIDAY, 26 October 2001
at 13.00 h
Prof. Adrian Hayday Department of Immunobiology Guy's, King's and St Thomas' Medical School King's College, London. "The Protection of Body Tissue by Intraepithelial Lymphocytes." Adrian Smith

31 October 2001 at 16.30 h Prof. Tony Nash  Department of Veterinary Pathology, University of Edinburgh "The Interplay Between Gamma-Herpesviruses and Their Host." Mike Skinner

7 November 2001 Dr. Caroline Hill Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London "Signalling to the Nucleus by Members of the TGF-b, Superfamily." Mike Skinner

MONDAY, 12 November at 13:00 h Prof. Andrew Read Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh. "The Evolution of Virulence: Malaria, Vaccines and Marek's Disease." Ivan Morrison


21 November 2001 Dr. Jonathan Stoye National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London "Fv1 and REF1: Two Genes Determining Susceptibility to Murine Leukemia Virus Infection." Yvonne Boyd

28 November 2001 Sir John Skehel

National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill.

"The Entry of Enveloped Viruses into Cells." John McCauley

5 December 2001 Dr. Bryan Grenfell Dept. of Zoology, University of Cambridge. "Microparasitic Infections in Space and Time." John McCauley

12 December 2001 Prof. Jeff Errington Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford.

"Control of Cell Shape by an Actin Cytoskeleton in Bacteria."

Mark Stevens

Seminar Co-ordinator: John McCauley

Past seminars at Compton Past seminars at Pirbright

Current seminar co-ordinator: Jayne Hope

Current seminar co-ordinator: Nick Knowles
Committee Members

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