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External Seminar Programme
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Seminars will normally take place in the conference room within the Ash Building at 4.30pm on Thursdays unless otherwise specified (differences highlighted in red).

Please telephone IAH reception on the day(s) you wish to attend to check seminar information is correct and to register your attendance

Seminar Programme - January to August 2003

Date Speaker Affiliation Title Contact

16 January 2003
@ 4.00 pm
Prof. David Stuart, FRS Division of Structural Biology, The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford, UK. "Structural Studies on PRD1: An Enveloped Bacteriophage." Andrew King

January 2003

@ 4.00 pm
Dr. Armin Salmuller Federal Research Centre for Virus Diseases of Animals, Tubingen, Germany. "Immunopathogenesis of Classical Swine Fever Virus." Tom Wileman

13 February 2003
Dr. Nat Bumstead IAH, Compton. "Why Are Chemokines So Beautiful But So Promiscuous?" Linda Dixon

20 February 2003 Dr. Mark Harris University of Leeds. "Clues to Mechanisms of Pathogenesis of Hepatitis C." Tom Wileman

13 March 2003 Dr. Cathy Walton University of Leeds. "Mosquito Population Genetics and Disease Transmission." Peter Mertens

20 March 2003 Dr. Piers Millett Dept. of Peace Studies, University of Bradford. "Anti-Animal Biological Warfare." Tom Wileman

3 April 2003 Prof. Peter Mertens IAH, Pirbright. "Bluetongue Virus Molecular Biology: Background and Recent Developments." Nick Knowles

10 April 2003 NO SEMINAR (SGM)

15 April 200
Dr. Isabelle Rouiller The Burnham Institute, University of California. "Structure and Cell Biology of p97 ATPase, a Membrane Fusion Machine Regulating ER to Golgi Transport." Tom Wileman

24 April 2003 Dr. Mick Bailey Bristol Veterinary School. "Development of the Mucosal Immune System: Life and Death in the Intestine." Penny Powell

Monday, 19
May 2003
Dr. Jack T. Rogers Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston. USA. "Iron and the Translational Regulation of the Alzheimer's Amyloid Precursor Protein." Pauline O'Grady

22 May 2003 Dr. Paul Mould Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, University of Manchester. "New Insights into Integrin Activation and Ligand Binding." Terry Jackson

Tuesday, 27 May
2003 at 12.15 pm
Ms. Nita Chowdhury Joint Secretary cum Animal Husbandry Commissioner, Government of India, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, New Delhi, India. "New Initiatives for FMD Control in India." David Paton

29 May 2003 Dr. Tony Fooks Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Weybridge. "Prevalence and Diversity of European Bat Lyssaviruses." Nick Knowles

19 June 2003 Dr. Torben Storgaard Head of Applied Trinomics, Novo Nordisk, Denmark. "PRRSV - Where Did It Come From?" Soren Alexandersen

Wednesday, 25
June 2003
Dr. Barry Baxt

Plum Island Animal Disease Centre, Greenport, USA.

"FMDV Receptors - Why So Many?"  Nick Knowles

Monday, 30
June 2003
Dr. Johnathon Duke-Cohan Department of Immunology and Aids, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University, Boston, USA. "Attractin's Role in Neurodegeneration, Pigmentation and Immunity - Extracellular Matrix is the Key." Pauline O'Grady

3 July 2003 Dr. Colin Heath Dept. of Cell Biology, Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, USA. "Cell Signalling and Membrane Traffic." Tom Wileman

10 July 2003 Dr. Ian Goodfellow University of Reading "Structure/Function Analysis of RNA Replication Signals Involved in Poliovirus Replication." Terry Jackson

Monday, 28
July 2003
Prof. Nancy Beckage Dept of Entomology, Cell Biology and Neuroscinece, University of California Riverside, USA. "Unusual Lifestyle and Immunosupressive Properties of Polydnaviruses, Multisegmented DNA Viruses of Parasitic Wasps." Linda Dixon

21 August 2003 Dr. Bernard Charley INRA, Département de santé animale, Virologie et Immunologie moléculaires, 78350 JOUY-EN-JOSAS, France. "In Vivo Characterisation of Interferon Alpha Producing Cells in Pigs Tissues." Haru Takamatsu

Friday, 22 August
2003 @ 2.00 pm
Dr. Gary Horner National Centre for Disease Investigation, Upper Hutt, New Zealand. "The National Centre for Disease Investigation: Who Are We and What Do We Do?" David Paton

Seminar Programme - September to December 2003

Date Speaker Affiliation Title Contact

25 September 2003 Prof. David Rowlands University of Leeds. "Hepatitis C Virus: The Hole Story." Terry Jackson

9 October 2003 Dr. Paul Barnett IAH, Pirbright. "History, Research Achievements and the Future of the International FMD Vaccine Bank." Nick Knowles

16 October 2003 Dr. Amanda Stuart Division of Virology Department of Pathology University of Cambridge. "Entry of Human Enteroviruses." Terry Jackson

30 October 2003 Dr. Tim Skern Division of Biochemistry, University of Vienna. "Structure-function Relationships in Picornaviral Proteinases." Graham Belsham

6 November 2003 Dr. Rachel Lawrence Royal Veterinary College, London. "Parasites, Immunity and Protection." Pauline O'Grady

13 November 2003 No seminar - IAH Science Review

20 November 2003 Dr. Francesco Falciani School of BioSciences, University of Birmingham. "Dissecting Cell Cross-talk in Biological Systems: a Bioinformatics Approach." Michael Baron

4 December 2003 Prof. Bent Aasted Immunological Laboratory, Dept. Vet. Microbiol., Royal Vet. and Agri. Univ., Denmark. "Cytokine Profiles in Selected Infections as Measured by Intracellular FACS Staining." Soren Alexandersen

11 December 2003 Dr. Julian Hiscox University of Leeds. "The Nucleolus as a Gateway to Viral Infection." Tom Barrett

Seminar Co-ordinator: Terry Jackson

Past seminars at Compton Past seminars at Pirbright

Current seminar co-ordinator: Jayne Hope

Current seminar co-ordinator: Nick Knowles
Committee Members

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