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External Seminar Programme
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Past Seminars at the Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright Laboratory - 1997

16 January 1997: Dr. Martin Cranage, Head of Viral Pathogenesis, CAMR, Porton Down. "The SIV-Macaque Model on the Critical Path to an AIDS Vaccine." Contact: Colin Dunn.
23 January 1997: Dr. William James, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford. "Anti-Sense RNA and Ribozymes." Contact: Nick Knowles.
30 January 1997: Dr. John Marshall, Richard Dimbleby Cancer Institute, St Thomas's Hospital. "Integrins: The Role in Cancer and Adenoviral Infections." Contact: Terry Jackson.
20 February 1997: Dr. David Argyll, Department of Pathology, University of Glasgow Veterinary School. "Gene Therapy in Veterinary Medicine." Contact: Colin Dunn.
27 February 1997 (The following seminar has been postponed until the Autumn): [Dr. Geoff Clements, Regional Virus Laboratory, Ruchill Hospital, Glasgow. "The Possible Role of Persistent Enterovirus Infections in Humans." Contact: Nick Knowles.]
Wednesday, 19 March 1997: Meeting of the South Wilts Virus Group at Pirbright.
20 March 1997: Dr. Richard Elliott, Institute of Virology, University of Glasgow. "Rescue of Bunyaviruses." Contact: Tom Barrett.
10 April 1997: Dr. Tony Jackson, Biochemistry Department, University of Cambridge. "Elimination of Clathrin Light-chain LCa Disrupts at Multiple Steps in a Neuroendocrine Cell Line." Contact: Tom Wileman.
Wednesday, 16 April 1997: Prof. Ron Hay, University of St Andrews. "NF-kB: Transcriptional Activation by Signal Induced Degradation." Contact: Linda Dixon.
17 April 1997: Dr. Ian Clarke, University Medical School, Southampton General Hospital. "The Molecular Biology of Human Caliciviruses." Contact: Nick Knowles.
1 May 1997: Dr. Ian Brierley, Virology Division, Department of Pathology, Cambridge University and Addenbrookes Hospital. "Biochemical Studies of Ribosomal Frameshifting on Viral RNA's." Contact: Graham Belsham.
8 May 1997: Dr. Roger Everett, Institute of Virology, Glasgow. "Herpes Simplex Virus Regulatory Protein VMW110 Binds Strongly to and Specifically to a Cellular Ubiquitin Specific Protease." Contact: Linda Dixon.
15 May 1997: Dr. Eric Lam, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, London. "Regulation of Cell Cycle Progression and E2F Activity by the Rb Family of Proteins." Contact: Paul Kirkham.
29 May 1997: Dr. Neil Almond, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC), South Mimms, Herts. "Towards a Vaccine for AIDS: Lessons from the SIV/Macaque Model." Contact: Mike Parkhouse.
5 June 1997: Prof. Marin van Heel, Professor of Structural Biology, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London. "3D Structure of Large Macromolecules by Electron Microscopy (Viruses, Ribosomes, Haemoglobins...)." Contact: Andrew King.
12 June 1997: Dr. Richard Chamberlain, Institute of Virology, Glasgow. "Comparative Genomics of Hepatitis C Virus." Contact: Tom Barrett.
Wednesday, 30 July 1997: Dr. L. Santos-Argumedo, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico. "The Role of CD44 in the Motility of Activated B-cells." Contact: Mike Parkhouse.
28 August 1997: Dr. Barry Baxt, Plum Island Animal Disease Centre, Greenport, USA. "The Integrin, v3, is the Receptor Associated with Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Virulence." Contact: Terry Jackson.
11 September 1997: Dr. Simon Shelley, Harvard Medical School, USA. "Leukocyte Adhesion Molecule Gene Expression." Contact: Tom Wileman.
Wednesday, 17 September 1997: Dr. Kim Halpin, Animal Research Institute, Yeerongpilly, Queensland, Australia. "Isolation of a Paramyxovirus from Flying Foxes - the Next Chapter in the Equine Morbillivirus Story." Contact: Tom Barrett.
18 September 1997: Dr. Martin Ryan, Division of Cell & Molecular Biology, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland. "In Search of an Ugly Fact." Contact: Tom Wileman.
25 September 1997: Dr. Malcolm Weir, Biomolecular Structure Unit, Glaxo Wellcome, Stevenage. "The Future of Structural Biology in the Pharmaceutical Industry." Contact: Penny Powell.
16 October 1997: Dr. David Parkinson, Sheffield Hallam University. "Role of the Secretory Pathway in the Development of Alzheimer's Disease." Contact: Tom Wileman.
23 October 1997: Dr. Mike Skinner, Institute for Animal Health, Compton. "Fowlpox Virus: Tales of Orthologues and Xenologues." Contact: Tom Wileman.
Wednesday, 5 November 1997: Dr. R.E. Randall, University of St Andrews, Scotland. "Paramyxovirus Pathogenesis - Lessons from Studies on Simian Virus 5." Contact: Michael Baron.
13 November 1997: Dr. Alison Sinclair, The School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex. "Epstein-Barr Virus and the G1 Cell Cycle Control Checkpoint." Contact: Penny Powell.
Friday, 14 November 1997 at 3.00pm: Dr. Jose M. Escribano, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia, Madrid, Spain. "Identification of African Swine Fever Virus Proteins Responsible for Protective Humoral Immune Response." Contact: Mike Parkhouse.
25-27 November 1997: IAH Science Review, Bournemouth
4 December 1997: Prof. David Rowlands, University of Leeds. "Immune Evasion in Persistent Viral Hepatitis." Contact: Nick Knowles.
11 December 1997: Dr. Stuart Kellie, Yamanouchi Research Institute, Littlemore Park, Oxford. "SH3 Domains and Leukocyte Functions: Phoxes and WASPS." Contact: Linda Dixon.
Past seminars at Compton Past seminars at Pirbright

Current seminar co-ordinator: Jayne Hope

Current seminar co-ordinator: Nick Knowles
Committee Members

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