Institute for Animal Health (IAH)
External Seminar Programme
IAH Home Virus Pages Seminars Compton Pirbright

Pirbright Laboratory

Seminar Programme - 1994

Winter-Spring 1994 Programme


6 no seminar (SGM, Warwick)

13 Dr. Nigel Stow

Interactions between herpes simplex virus DNA-replication proteins

Institute of Virology, University of Glasgow (Contact: Linda Dixon)

20 Dr. Gary Taylor

Structural Studies on Bacterial and Viral Sialidases

University of Bath (Contact: Tom Barrett)

27* Dr. John McCauley

Epidemiology of Influenza

IAH, Compton (Contact: Nick Knowles)



3 Prof. Alan Rickinson

Epstein-Barr Virus Genes Influencing Cell Survival

Cancer Research Campaign Labs., Univ. of Birmingham Medical School (Contact: Linda Dixon)

10 Dr. Dave Cavanagh

Coronavirus, Torovirus, Arterivirus: Three Into One Won't Go?

IAH, Compton (Contact: Tom Barrett)

17 no seminar

24 Dr. John Jenkins

P53 and Apoptosis

Marie Curie Memorial Foundation, Oxted (Contact: Alison Wade-Evans)



3 Dr. Mick Bailey

The Intestinal Lamina Propria: An Immunological Organ Specialized for Digestion

Division of Cellular & Molecular Biology, Dept. of Clinical Veterinary Science, Univ. of Bristol (Contact: Sylvia Denham)

10 Dr. Moira Bruce

Spongiform Encephalopathies

IAH, NPU Edinburgh (Contact: Tom Barrett)

17 Dr. Penny Powell

Heparin-Binding Growth Factors and their Expression During Lung Development and Injury

Dept. of Immunology, IAH, Pirbright

24 No seminar

31 No seminar (Easter)




7 No seminar

14 Dr. Brian Foxwell (Postponed)

Activation Induced Changes in the T Cell IL-7 Receptor: a Mechanism for the Modulation of IL-7 Function?

Sunley Centre, Charing Cross Hospital, Hammersmith, London (Contact: Sylvia Denham)

21 Dr. Richard Grencis

Cytokines and Immunity to Intestinal Helminths

Immunology Group, School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester (Contact: Sylvia Denham)

28 Dr. Brian Cooke

Use of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus and Genetically Modified Myxoma Viruses for the Control of Rabbits

Animal and Plant Control Commission, Adelaide, Australia (Contact: Philip Wilkinson)




5 Dr. Alan Hall

Signal Transduction Pathways Regulated by ras-Related GTP-binding proteins?

University College London (Contact: Sylvia Denham)

12 Dr. Fiona Tomley

Apical Organelles and Host Cell Invasion by Coccidia

IAH, Compton (Contact: Linda Dixon)

19 No seminar

26 No seminar



2 Dr. Jeremy Kitson

Title to be announced

Glaxo Laboratories, Greenford (Contact: Tom Barrett)

9 Dr. Richard Meyer

Genetic Variation of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus from the Field to Laboratory Isolation

Plum Island Animal Disease Center, Greenport, NY, USA. (Contact: Nick Knowles)

16 Dr. Peter Simmonds

Variation in Cell Tropism and Cytopathology of HIV-1: Mechanism of Viral Pathogenesis or Laboratory Artifact?

Dept. of Medical Microbiology, University of Edinburgh Medical School (Contact: Nick Knowles)

20 Dr. Jack Johnson (provisional - Monday at 4:30pm ?)

Title to be announced

???, USA (Contact: Andrew King)

23 No seminar (since there will be one on the previous monday)

30 Dr. Brian Foxwell (Provisional date)

Activation Induced Changes in the T Cell IL-7 Receptor: a Mechanism for the Modulation of IL-7 Function?

Sunley Centre, Charing Cross Hospital, Hammersmith, London (Contact: Sylvia Denham)

Past seminars at Compton Past seminars at Pirbright

Current seminar co-ordinator: Jayne Hope

Current seminar co-ordinator: Nick Knowles
Committee Members

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