13 Professor Tom Blundell
To be announced (Contact: M. Parkhouse)
23 David Connolly
Identification of novel MHC class I genes in the mouse.
Clinical Research Centre, Harrow. (Contact: M. Parkhouse)
30 Dr. David Morrell
Insulin-like growth factors.
Institute for Child Health, London. (Contact: T. Collen)
6 Dr. Simon Powis
Transporter genes in the MHC region.
AFRC Babraham, Cambridge. (Contact: M. Parkhouse)
13 Dr. M. Harnett
Some rules in the generation of second messages during lymphocyte activation.
University of Glasgow. (Contact: M. Parkhouse)
4 Dr. Estaban Domingo
Antigenicity and diversification of FMDV type C.
INIA, Madrid. (Contact: A.M.Q. King)
5 Dr. Geoff Smith
Vaccinia virus morphogenesis and immune evasion.
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University.
(Contact: L. Dixon)
12 Dr. M. Woolhouse
The application of models to biological systems.
Department of Zoology, Oxford University. (Contact: P. Kitching)
9* Dr. Joe Brownlie
The pathogenesis of a persisting virus, BVDV.
IAH, Compton Laboratory. (Contact: T. Collen)
14 Dr. Ivan Shatsky
Translation in Encephalomyocarditis virus.
Moscow State University, Moscow. (Contact: G. Belsham)
23 Dr. Ron Hay
KB in HIV transcriptional activation.Role of NF-
Department of Biochemistry, St. Andrews. (Contact: L. Dixon)
30 Dr. Mike Carter
Molecular biology of Caliciviruses.
Newcastle University. (Contact: N. Knowles)
7 Dr. Shirley Ellis
Characterisation of bovine MHC class I genes and products.
IAH, Compton Laboratory. (Contact: T. Collen)
14 Professor Tony Minson
Title to be announced
Cambridge University. (Contact: G.P. Thomas)
21* Dr. Bob Sellers
Temperature and the persistence of viruses in Culicoides during adverse conditions.
Former Director of Animal Virus Research Institute (now IAH, Pirbright Laboratory) and Animal Diseases Research Institute, Nepean, Ontario, Canada. (Contact: P. Mellor)
4 Dr. Teryl Frey.
Molecular biology of Rubella virus.
Department of Biology, University of Georgia. (Contact: M. Baron)
11 Professor Tom Lehner
Induction of mucosal and systemic immunity to simian immunodeficiency virus protein in non-human primates.
Guys Hospital, London. (Contact: A. Childerstone)
18 Dr. Brian Thomas
Why Influenza virus haemagglutinin is not a superantigen.
NIMR, Mill Hill. (Contact: M. Parkhouse)
25 Dr. Peter Lydyard
Heat shock proteins and autoimmunity.
University College, London. (Contact: M. Parkhouse)
9 Dr. Armin Mirza
Specific cellular protein kinases positively modulate Adenovirus early gene transcription.
Kings College, London. (Contact: J. McCauley)
23 Dr. Pradip Nandi
Mechanism of entry of a xenotropic recombinant retrovirus into porcine cells.
Directeur de Recherche, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Nouzilly. France (Contact: M. Parkhouse)
30 Dr. Anne Stokes
A comparison of the complete sequence of the JS strain of human parainfluenza virus with two cold adapted, temperature sensitive mutant vaccine viruses, cp12 and cp45 derived from it.
Leeds University (Contact: M. Hofner)
* POSTPONED: Rescheduled to later in the programme.
10 Dr. Andy Heath
CD40 and the mouse.
DNAX Research Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology Inc., Palo Alto, California. (Contact: M. Parkhouse)
11 Dr. Jean-Yves Sgro (11.00 a.m. Inside Conference Room.)
Topographical exploration of small icosahedral viruses: a graphical approach.
Institute for Molecular Virology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
(Contact: M. Ryan)
17 Dr. Bob Sellers
Temperature and the persistence of viruses in Culicoides during adverse conditions.
Former Director Animal Virus Research Institute (IAH, Pirbright) and Animal Diseases Research Institute, Nepean, Ontario, Canada. (Contact: P. Mellor)
24 Dr. Joan Lunney
Genetic regulation of disease responses in pigs.
Animal Parasitology Institute, Beltville, USA. (Contact: M. Parkhouse)
8 Dr. Charles Kelly
Structural and functional analyses of a streptococcal cell surface adhesin.
Guys Hospital, London. (Contact: A. Childerstone)
5* Mr. Ian Robertson
"Research with exotic viruses" - the ministry view point.
Head of Notifiable Diseases Section, MAFF, Tolworth. (Contact: D. Barr)
12 Dr. David Baulcombe
Immunity (?) mechanisms in plants against virus infection.
Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich. (Contact: L. Dixon)
19 Dr. Andrew James
The effect of disease on the efficiency of animal production.
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Research Unit, Reading. (Contact: P. Wilkinson)
26 Dr. Graham Foster
Inhibition of the cellular response to interferon by Hepatitis B.
Department of Medicine, St. Mary's Hospital, London. (Contact: T. Collen)
3 Dr. Nigel Pringle
The origin of oligodendrocytes.
Biology Department, Medawar, University College London. (Contact: M. Denyer)
10 Dr. Eddie Littler
Title to be announced.
Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham. (Contact: L. Dixon)
* POSTPONED: Rescheduled to later in the programme.
Past seminars at Compton | Past seminars at Pirbright |
Current seminar co-ordinator: Jayne Hope |
Current seminar co-ordinator:
Nick Knowles |
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