Institute for Animal Health (IAH)
External Seminar Programme
IAH Home Virus Pages Seminars Compton Pirbright

Institute for Animal Health

Pirbright Laboratory

Ash Road, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey, GU24 0NF. Tel: 01483 232441

Seminar Programme - 1998

Monday 12th January 1998: Dr. Thomas Hohn, Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basle, Switzerland. "Nuclear Transport of a Plant Virus." Contact: Linda Dixon.

22 January 1998: Dr. Brent Gowen, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine. "Visualising Rapid Biological Dynamic Events by Cryo-Transmission EM." Contact: Sharon Brookes.

29 January 1998: Dr. Vas Panabalam, University of Dundee. "Intracellular Protein Transport: Protein Secretion and Membrane Dynamics at the Trans Golgi Network." Contact: Tom Wileman.

5 February 1998: Dr. Shirley Ellis, Division of Immunology, IAH, Compton. "Class I MHC Genes and Molecules in Cattle: A Basis for T-cell Response Studies." Contact: Peter Mertens.

12 February 1998: Dr. Richard Wall, Bristol University. "Strike Breaking: from Ecology to Control of the Sheep Blowfly." Contact: Matthew Baylis.

26 February 1998: Dr. Sarah Randolph, University of Oxford. "Towards Predictive Risk-Maps for Tick-Borne Diseases." Contact: Matthew Baylis.

12 March 1998: Dr. Simon Hay, University of Oxford. "So Near and Yet So Far: Remote Sensing Application to Epidemiological Problems." Contact: Matthew Baylis.

Monday, 30 March 1998 : Dr. Peter Christian, Division of Entomology, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia. "Organisational Paradigms Amongst the Small RNA Viruses of Insects - 250 Million Years of Evolution." Contact: Andrew King.

2 April 1998: Dr. Paul Kirkham, Novartis Horsham Research Centre. "TheYin-Yang of Gamma-Delta T-cell Growth." Contact: Mike Parkhouse.

Monday, 20 April 1998 at 11.00am: Dr. David Staunton, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford. "The Promiscuity of gp130 and its Ligands Revealed (45 minutes on cytokine structure/function studies)." Contact: Andrew King. Venue: Conference Room Inside Restricted Area - therefore visitors by prior arrangement only.

30 April 1998: Prof. Geoff Smith, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University. "Intracellular and Extracellular Vaccinia Virions: Two Very Different Viruses." Contact: Linda Dixon.

7 May 1998: Dr. Stephen High, University of Manchester. "Title to be announced." Contact: Tom Wileman.

14 May 1998: Dr. Frank Booy, Structural Biology Laboratory, National Institutes of of Health, USA. "Structural Studies on Papillomavirus. Antibody-Virus Complexes Resolved at 13A by Cryoelectron Microscopy and Image Processing." Contact: Tom Wileman.

21 May 1998: Dr. Dave Evans, Virology Research Group, University of Reading. "The Ins and Outs of Picornavirus Replication." Contact: Nick Knowles.

11 June 1988: Dr. Constanze Bonifer, Molecular Medicine Unit, St. James's University Hospital, University of Leeds. "The Chicken Lysozyme Locus as a Paradigm for the Complex Regulation of Eucaryotic Gene Loci." Contact: Michael Baron. (Note: this seminar was originally scheduled for the 28th of May)

25 June 1998: Dr. Michael Deery & Dr. Peter Watts, CBSystems, DERA, CBD Porton Down, Salisbury. "The Application of Electrospray Mass Spectrometry to the Detection and Identification of  Viruses." Contact: Nick Knowles.

9 July 1998: Sir John Skehel FRS, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London. "Membrane Fusion in Influenza Virus." Contact: Nick Knowles.

30 July 1998: Dr. Allison Abendroth, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, USA. "Varicella Zoster Virus: (i) Downregulation of Cell Surface MHC Class I Expression; (ii) Immune Responses Generated in Mice Following Injection of Naked Plasmid DNA." Contact: Mike Parkhouse.

Friday, 31 July 1998 at 11.00am: Dr. Barry Slobedman, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, USA. "Detection of Latent Human Cytomegalovirus DNA and Transcripts by PCR Driven In Situ Hybridization." Contact: Mike Parkhouse. Venue: Conference Room Inside Restricted Area - therefore visitors by prior arrangement only.

Monday, 24 August 1998 at 12.00pm: Dr. Marion Andrew, Autralian Animal Health Laboratory, CSIRO, Geelong, Australia. "Vaccine Responses in Sheep and Pigs." Contact: Sharon Brookes.

10th September 1998: Dr. J.F. Rodriguez, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, Madrid. "Expression of IBDV Polypeptides in Heterologous Systems." Contact: Mike Parkhouse.

15 October 1998: Dr. Clive Patience, Chester Beatty Laboratory, Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey. "Pig Endogenous Retrovirus (PERV): A Study From Pigs to Patients.." Contact: Penny Powell.

29 October 1998: Dr. Nick Platt, William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University. "Scavenger Receptors." Contact: Tom Wileman.

19 November 1998: Dr. Michael Hollinshead, William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University. "Envelopment and Assembly of Vaccinia Virus." Contact: Tom Wileman.

Monday, 7 December 1998Prof. Stephen Fuller, EMBL, Heidelburg, Germany. "Cryo-electron Microscopy of Icosahedral and Non-icosahedral Membrane Viruses: SFV, phi-6, and HIV." Contact: Peter Mertens.

10 December 1998: Dr. Adrian Smith, Division of Immunology, IAH Compton Laboratory. "TCR Gamma-delta T-cell Function in Response to a Natural Infection of the Small Intestine." Contact: Tom Wileman.
Past seminars at Compton Past seminars at Pirbright

Current seminar co-ordinator: Jayne Hope

Current seminar co-ordinator: Nick Knowles
Committee Members

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